Bainbridge Island briefs

City Manager

The Bainbridge Island City Council gave city manager Blair King an outstanding performance evaluation in July, citing his significant contributions and unwavering commitment to the community, a city news release states.

Based upon King’s review, an amendment to his employment contract was made to provide a one-time retention incentive of $30,000 to stay as the city manager through at least July 31, 2025. The retention incentive does not increase his base salary. The amendment also provides for greater vacation days.

DEIS now available

The City of Bainbridge Island recently announced the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for its Comprehensive Plan periodic update and Winslow Subarea Plan update. The document marks a pivotal step in the public’s opportunity to help shape the future of BI, a city news release says.

The DEIS provides a comprehensive analysis of three distinct alternatives for accommodating potential future growth on BI mandated by the Growth Management Act. Each alternative explores various strategies and their potential impacts on both the physical and natural environment of the island. As the city prepares to adapt to future needs, the DEIS serves as a tool for evaluating the implications of different planning approaches.

“The DEIS is not just a document; it is a tool for public engagement and a reflection of our thoughtful commitment to the future,” city manager Blair King said. “It provides a thorough examination of the environmental consequences of different scenarios and provides the community with the opportunity to weigh in and craft the future of Bainbridge Island.”

The Comp. Plan update is designed to assist BI decision-makers in managing the future of the island in alignment with the community’s vision and environmental goals. The Winslow Subarea Plan update focuses on the specific needs and opportunities within the Winslow area, integrating these considerations into the broader planning framework.

The DEIS is available for public review on the city’s website and in person at City Hall, Bainbridge Library, and the Senior Center. A series of open houses and pop-ups are scheduled in September. An online public comment portal is now live on the city’s website.

KiDiMu leader

The Board of Directors of the Kids Discovery Museum recently appointed Rafael del Castillo as interim executive director, following the recent departure of Corinne Wolffe who served in that role for the past four years.

del Castillo previously served as executive director of Rainier Scholars, a college access organization in Seattle and Tacoma, a news release states. He is also a visiting assistant professor at Pacific Lutheran University in the School of Education. “Rafael brings an incredible tool kit of skills and experiences to this appointment, and we are thrilled to have his leadership during this time of transition,” Kristyn Long said, KiDiMu board chair.

del Catillo will serve as interim director for up to eight months culminating in a national search for KiDiMu’s next executive director. This individual will lead the museum into its third decade of service as Kitsap County’s only children’s museum.

“With this critical hire, KiDiMu will build upon its strong foundation as a vital hub for early childhood development centered on playful learning,” Long said. “We are committed to expanding our support of the broader community and the current and emerging needs of children.”