Bellringer, an annual fund drive headed by the Poulsbo Lions Club that offers one-time assistance to families to pay rent and utilities, is hoping to raise enough cash to fund 100 food baskets the week prior to Christmas for needy families. These baskets are given out at both the Poulsbo Fishline and Kingston’s Sharenet.
Business owner Mike Brooks of Mike’s Car Wash, located in the Poulsbo Village will donate $2 from each car washes to the Bellringer.
To contribute to the Poulsbo Fishline’s annual toy drive, you can bring new unwrapped toys to either the North Kitsap Herald Office or Poulsbo’s Fishline office.
Karen Timken, executive director of Fishline, said toy donations haven’t kept pace with demand. “Our toy donations are seriously down,” she said. The’ve received fewer than 10 donations so far and are planning to distribute toys Dec. 16-18. They can be dropped at the food bank at 18916 Third Ave. Gift cards to stores that carry a variety of items are great for teenagers. Donations to the fund can be dropped off at Frontier Bank in Poulsbo or the North Kitsap Herald office, 18887 Hwy 305, Suite 700.
Donations can also be mailed to Bellringer Fund, P.O. Box 1244, Poulsbo, WA, 98370. All donations are tax deducible thru the Raab Foundation which is a 501c non profit, which was created by the Lions Club.
The following donations rolled in this week:
• Manny M. Correia, $100;
•Dale and Beverly Anderson, $100;
• Fran and Dolph Jaeger, in memory of Loyd Myrvang, $200;
• The Stottlemyers, in memory of grandma, gramps, and grandpa D, $200;
• Delores and Joan, in memory of Peggy Stuckey, $100
• Priscilla chapter #96, $25; and
• Chuck and Cheri Gerstenberger, in loving memory of our baby granddaughter Signe Ketherine Cunningham, $100
Bellringer total: $5,140