Bremerton City Council to meet Weds., March 6

The Bremerton City Council will meet hold its regular business meeting at 5:30 p.m. this Wednesday, March 6, in the first floor chambers of the Norm Dicks Government Center.

The Bremerton City Council will meet hold its regular business meeting at 5:30 p.m. this Wednesday, March 6, in the first floor chambers of the Norm Dicks Government Center. As usual, the meeting will be preceded by a 30-minute study session on the sixth floor.

The council is set to adopt new rules and procedures for its operations and will likely take action on plans to proceed with expansion of the Harborside Conference Center facilities.

Part of the meeting will also include an information presentation to the council about the launching of the Kitsap Humane Society’s Trap/Neuter/Return Program for stray and feral cats in Bremerton. Conducting the presentation will be Eric Stevens, the interim executive director of the Kitsap Humane Society and Dr. Jen Stonequist, the director of shelter medicine.

