
Special Interests

Special Interests

TRACING YOUR ROOTS: The Puget Sound Genealogy Society’s research center is now open to the public at 2501 Mile Hill Drive in the East Port Orchard Center office complex from Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteer librarians are on duty to help with books, maps, film and microfiche and computers. Call (360) 874-8813 for information.

SPEAK ENGLISH: Language tutors at the Nebraska Street Baptist Church in Port Orchard can help you learn English as a second language. Call for schedules and further details.

LA LECHE LEAGUE: All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend meetings or call one of the group’s leaders for breastfeeding help or information. Babies are always welcome at meetings. Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Friday of each month at the Tremont Fire Station, 200 Tremont St., in Port Orchard. For further information, Rachel (360) 874-0634, Leslie (360) 874-2897 or Kendra (360) 874-1689 or

BOY SCOUT TROOP 1523: Boy Scout Troop 1523 is now accepting new applicants. Boys 11-18 wanting to learn and have fun in the outdoors with a long-established Port Orchard troop are welcome. Meetings are Tuesdays at the Scout Hall, 1652 SE Cedar Street from 7-8:30 p.m. Call assistant Scoutmaster Bruce Quaintance 876-5420 or committee chairman Bill Robinson 253-857-5842 for information, or just show up.

BOY SCOUTS: Boy Scout Troop 1529 meets Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at South Kitsap Presbyterian Church. All interested boys aged 11 to 18 are encouraged to attend. Call the troop information line at 876-5401 and leave a message.

CUB SCOUT PACK 4508: Cub Scout Pack 4508 meets at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday at Elim Lutheran Church, 5911 E. Hillcrest Drive in Port Orchard. They are now recruiting new boys and leaders. Parents of boys in grades first to fifth are encouraged to call. Contact Ed at 710-7150, visit online at

BINGO: Port Orchard Eagles Aerie 2338 hosts bingo every Sunday, Monday and Wednesday from 6:10 to 9:20 p.m. For information, call (360) 876-2338.

Singles Activities: Bremerton B&P Singles Club, a social club for singles over age 45, invites you to attend dances every Friday and Saturday night at local clubs featuring live bands and ballroom dance floors. For more information and a calendar of other social events, call (360) 698-5993.

FAMILY ORGANIZATION: The Washington State Association for Family and Community Education, Port Orchard branch, meets 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month at Givens Senior Center. Information: 895-5734.

Kids’ safety/health: The Board of the Kitsap County Network, a non-profit organization formed to promote safe and healthy children, meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Silverdale Community Center. Information: 478-6878.

RED CROSS: The West Sound Chapter of the American Red Cross can provide a representative to present a short presentation to community groups, free of charge, on the role of the Red Cross in the community and volunteer opportunities. Call 377-3761.

WEIGHT LOSS: Overeaters Anonymous holds eight weekly meetings throughout Kitsap County. There are no dues or fees for this 12-step program. Problems with eating compulsively are the common concern of this self-help group. For information, call (360) 434-1178.

Senior foot care: The Givens Senior Center offers foot care twice a month, on the first Thursday and the third Friday of the month. Appointments: 871-5726.

CHUCKWAGON: Volunteers are needed for the Chuckwagon Senior Nutrition Program at the Village Green mealsite, 3883 Madrona Drive S.E., every Monday, Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information: 377-8511.

MONTHLY TEA PARTY: For breast feeding mothers and pregnant women; every third Thursday of the month, 12:30-2:30 p.m., at the Harrison Memorial Hospital Annex. Sponsored by the Kitsap County Lactation Coalition. Information: 478-5262.

BUSINESS NETWORKING: South Kitsap Business Networking fosters local economic growth. The group meets every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. at the Family Inn in Manchester for a catered breakfast. Information: 769-7300.

CAMP FIRE: Volunteer adult leaders and assistant leaders are needed Camp Fire Boys and Girls in Kitsap County and the Belfair area. Also needed are program specialists, class instructors and other volunteer positions working with children 5 to 17 years old. Information: 377-5513.

TOPS: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Chapter 838 meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the First Baptist Church of Port Orchar, 2308 Sidney Ave. Information: 876-5882 or 275-8150.

WEIGHT LOSS: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Olalla Chapter meets every Monday at 7 p.m. at the Spirit of Life Lutheran Church located on Mullenix Road. For more information, call (360) 857-7705.

SupPort Groups

DIABETES SUPPORT: The Port Orchard Diabetes Support Group meets the second Friday of every month at the library of Stafford Suites, 1761 Pottery Ave., at 10 a.m. It is a free discussion group with occasional speakers. Call (360) 876-6873 information.

MOTHER SUPPORT: Mom’s Club of Port Orchard is a local chapter of an international support group for stay-at-home mothers and their children. The group offers monthly activities including playgroups, field trips, park days and much more. All mothers and pregant women are encouraged to join. Call (360) 769-7124.

AL-ANON/ALATEEN: If you have been affected by alcoholism, there is hope and help available. Al-Anon is for adult family members and Alateen is for the teenage relatives of alcoholics. Meetings are available throughout Kitsap and Mason County. For more information please call at 871-1809 or at 871-1444. For schedule information, call Al-Anon’s National Information: (800) 344-2666; District 26 (866) 452-6973; or on-line at www.

COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS: The compassionate friends are a support group for bereaved parents. The group meets the third Tuesday of every month at Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church, 9300 Nels Nelson Road, just off Bucklin Hill Road. The meetings begin at 7 p.m.

HELP FOR CAREGIVERS: Group Health Cooperative Clinics hosts a monthly caregiver information and support group on the third Thursday of each month in the Port Orchard Classroom, 1400 Pottery Ave., from noon to 1:30 p.m. Call (360) 377-5511 for information.

ALZHEIMERS GUIDANCE: Orchard Pointe Memory Care Community meets the last Wednesday of every month at 300 S. Kitsap Blvd., Port Orchard. Call (360) 874-7400 for time, speaker and room location.

PARENT SUPPORT: The MOMS Club of Port Orchard will be hosting Toddler Time for children aged birth to 4 years old on Tuesdays, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., in the Olympic Room at Givens Community Center. The cost is $1 for each child per visit — babies under 10 months are free. There will be toys, songs, crafts and snacks. Call 356-1192 or visit for information.

Grieving Parents: Healing Hearts, a support group for parents who have lost a child, meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at various South Kitsap homes. For more information, call 876-3904.

BLOOD PRESSURE: The Spirit of Life Lutheran Church offers a free blood pressure clinic 9:30-10 a.m. on the third Sunday of each month. Information: 769-0299.

TRAUMA ANONYMOUS: Trauma Anonymous is a support group that meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Westpark Christian Church, 5204 First St., Bremerton. Information: 478-7927 or 792-2603.

WEIGHT LOSS: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1184, in Port Orchard, meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information and/or driving directions, call Kendra at (360) 874-1689 or e-mail

WEIGHT LOSS: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter WA1201 in Southworth meets every Thursday at Colby Methodist Church from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Weigh-in starts at 5:45 p.m. and runs until 6:30. For more information, call Lorrie at (360) 895-3151.

WEIGHT LOSS: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter WA1186 meets every Monday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Burley Bible Church, 14687 Olympic Dr. SE, in Port Orchard. Guests always welcome free of charge. For more information, call Karen Fortner at 871-3543.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Kitsap County YWCA offers a support group for victims of domestic violence and their children every Tuesday from 10:30 to noon, and Thursday from 6:30 until 8 p.m. There are no fees, but pre-screening is required. Childcare is available. Information: 479-5118

MS SELF-HELP: A Port Orchard Multiple Sclerosis self-help group meets on the second Tuesday of each month from noon to 2 p.m. Adventure of Faith Church, 4705 Jackson Ave. SE, in Port Orchard. For more information, call Chrstine Aemisesegger at (360) 876-8219.

TREATMENT CENTER: The West Sound Treatment Center in Port Orchard chemical dependency services include treatment for low-income pregnant and parenting women and indigent clients eligible for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment and Support Act (ADATSA). Those who qualify may have all or part of their treatment at no cost. Information: 876-9430.

BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Hospice of Kitsap County sponsors free groups for adults who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Groups meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 2 p.m. at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 1150 Mitchell, in Port Orchard. Information: 415-6911.

VISUAL WORKSHOP: A Visually Challenged Persons Support Group meets the first Monday of the month. Information: 377-3703.

ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUPS: Claremont East Retirement Apartments hosts support groups for family members dealing with the stresses of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The Adult Children support group meets from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Life Partner’s, a group for those whose spouse is affected by the disease, meets from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. For information, call Marie Evans at (360) 377-1717.

PARENT SUPPORT: Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder will be the focus for the next 8 weeks, starting April 16, at the Parent Trust for Washington Children”. The groups meets every Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. at South Kitsap High School. Meetings are free and specialized childcare is available. Information: Donna, 478-3595.

Mother Support: Adventure of Faith Church, 4705 Jackson Ave. in Port Orchard, hosts MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) first and third Thursday of every month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. MOPS is designed to encourage and support every mother with children from birth to kindergarten age. The year begins Sept. 18. Call 360 876-0061.


FLOATING CARD GAME: The Ferry Bridge Group meets the second Friday night of each month, sometimes at the Manchester Library and sometimes at members’ homes. Call for the location. Members play bridge each day in the galley area on the 6:05 a.m. ferry, Southworth to Fauntleroy, and on the 4:20 p.m. boat, Fauntleroy to Southworth. Call (876) 871-6389 for information.

RADIO-CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT: The Kitsap Aircraft Radio-Control Society (ARCS) promotes the design, construction and operation of radio-controlled aircraft. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Call Bud Arnold, 871-4339, for information. Or visit on-line.

PENINSULA PIPES AND DRUMS: The group is always looking for bagpipers and drummers with or without experience. Practice is every Monday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. in Gig Harbor at Chapel Hill Church, or on the Web site at

RADIO BUFFS: The South Kitsap Amateur Radio Club meets at Fire Station 8, 1974 Fircrest in Port Orchard, on the first and third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Merv Archer at 769-7226 or by e-mail at

BIRD PEOPLE: Olympic Bird Fanciers meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month at 3:30 p.m. at the Port Orchard Active Club, 1025 Tacoma Ave. (behind Givens Center). The club also hosts Sunday Fly Days, from 3 to 6 p.m., at the Port Orchard Active Club on the second, third and fourth Sundays of the month. You do not need a flighted bird to participate. Call (253) 857-3711 or (360) 874-1160 for information.

RV LOVERS: South Kitsap Soggy Sams, for RV enthusiasts, meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Call (253) 857-0787 or (360) 876-6742 for information.

EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT: The Olympic Rainbirds, Chapter 406 of the Experimental Aircraft Association, meets in the conference room at Bremerton National Airport at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The group builds, restores and flies new and old airplanes. Call 871-4962 for information.

BRIDGE SOCIAL: The Manchester Library Bridge Club meets on the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 11:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Manchester Library, Meeting Room, 8067 E. Main St. All bridge players are welcome. For information, call (360) 871-0996.

SPINNING CLASS: Experience the pleasure of spinning with others. It will be obvious why spinning is experiencing a resurgence. Beginners will learn how to spin and get advice on buying a wheel. Classes are held the third Thursday of every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Givens Senior Center, 1026 Sidney, Port Orchard. Questions: 337-5734.

ADULT & CHILDREN’S KARATE CLASSES: Now starting adult and children’s karate classes at 1048 SE Lund, Suite 109, Port Orchard. Adult and children’s classes Monday and Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. The class will be taught by master David Smith of the Spirit Force Karate Association and he has taught for the past 25 years. This will be an excellent opportunity for first time Karate students to start. It will be a new class! Plus try your first class out for Free. For more information, call Vicki at (360) 876-6418 or Randi at (360) 275-0726.

PRESERVING MEMORIES: Station Scrappers, a club for local scrapbooking enthusiasts, meets regularly at AL&O Scrapstation, located at 5009 Bay St. in Port Orchard. Membership is free. Call (360) 895-8200 for information.

GREEN THUMBS: The Long Lake Garden Club meets every third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. with a 30-minute social, and the meeting begins at 10 in the Manchester Library at 8067 East Main St. in Manchester. The club is a member of th Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs. For more information, call (360) 871-8198.

SHINY THREADS: Personalized sewing lessons for all. Learn to sew clothing, crafts and home decor. Afternoon and evening classes available in my home or yours. For information call (360) 895-8820.

CREATIVE SEWING CLASSES: Sewing lessons are being offered at Radiant Energy in downtown Port Orchard. Learn to sew of refresh your sewing skills. They met every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. To sign up call Chrystal at 895-9095 or for information: Helen 874-1150.

SQUARE STEPPERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB: Sponsoring “Mainstream” Beginning Square Dance Lessons at Kitsap Square Dance Center in Gorst. First Class is free. Couples, Singles and Youth are welcome. For information call 876-4682.

CLASSIC TRUCKS: Henry’s Haulers promotes the restoration of modification of 1903-66 Ford trucks. The club has regular meetings and social activities. Call Bud Arnold at 871-4339 for more information.

ARTISTS: South Kitsap Artists Association meets at 6 to 8 p.m. the fourth Monday of each month at Cedar Heights Junior High School in Port Orchard. Information: 876-1415.

Cycling Club: The West Sound Cycling Club hosts meetings the first Wednesday of each month at Roundtable Pizza in Silverdale at 7 p.m. WSCC promotes safety, education and fun in the cycling community. The public is welcome to attend.

WOODCARVERS: Kitsap County Woodcarvers meet the first Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Activities Club (behind Givens Center). Meetings are open to the public and all ages are welcome. Call Jeff Iller: 698-7175.

SOCIAL CARVERS: The Kitsap County Woodcarvers meet at Givens Center every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Information: 337-5743.

BARBERSHOP QUARTETS: The chorus of the Kitsap Chordsmen rehearses Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m., at the Olympic Evangelical Free Church, 14861 Silverdale Way, Poulsbo (near Keyport). All male singers are invited. Call (360) 337-SING.

ROSE SOCIETY: The Kitsap County Rose Society meets of the third Monday of every month at 12169 Country Meadows Lane NW, Silverdale. Information: 698-6312.

PHILATELIC SOCIETY: The group meets at the First United Methodist Church, 1150 Marine Drive in Bremerton, on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. For information, call (360) 871-1199.

LINE DANCE CLUB: Kitsap Boot Kickers Line Dance Club meets 7-10 p.m. Fridays at the Masonic Temple at 11th and Perry in East Bremerton, and 6-9 p.m. Sundays at the Silverdale Scout Hall. Family-style dancing, no partner required. Beginners welcome. Information: 698-2319 or 779-3062.

EIGHT-BALL TOURNEY: There is a senior 8-ball pool tournament at 9:30 a.m. every third Thursday at the Givens Community Center in Port Orchard. Information: 871-3536.

HULA LESSONS: The Kitsap Family YMCA is hosting Hula Halau Mai Ka’Aina O Ka Ua Noe, with hula lessons for kids and adults every Saturday. Information: 871-4904.

CRIBBAGE CLUB: The Kitsap Peggers meet Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Olalla Grange Hall. Information: 874-2343.

TUGBOAT TOLERS: Decorative painting is taught at these ongoing meetings. The group meets every third Monday of the month at Peace Lutheran Church, 1234 NE Riddle Rd., Bremerton. Classes start at 6 p.m. Information: 876-1201.

WRITER’S WORKSHOP: “Word Works for Writers” workshop meets each 2nd and 4th Monday evening of the month at 5691 Kitsap Way, 6:30 p.m. Information: 779-7111.

GOLDWING ROAD RIDERS: Chapter WA-O of the Goldwing Riders Association meets at 8 a.m. for breakfast, with a meeting to follow at 9, on the fourth Saturday of each month at the Airport Diner at Bremerton National Airport. For information: (360) 275-8606.

KITSAP POGGIES: The Kitsap Poggie Club meets every second Wednesday of the month at heridan Park, 7 p.m. Information: 876-9593.

SUNNYSLOPE GARDENERS: The Sunnyslope Garden Club meets from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. the fourth Monday of each month at a different member’s home. For information: 360-876-3296.

Service Clubs

Kiwanis Club: The Port Orchard Kiwanis Club meets each week on Wednesday for lunch at 12:15 p.m. at LeGarmache’ meeting hall in the Westbay Center. New members and visitors are welcome.

SIPO MEETINGS: Soroptimist International of Port Orchard meets on the second and third Tuesday of each month at noon at Le Garmache Westbay Center and on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the same location. Board meetings are the first Tuesday of each month and are held at Victorian Tea Room at 12:30 p.m. Business and Professional women interested in more information can call Heidi Villarma at (360) 509-5003.

GRANGE MEETINGS: Bethel Grange 404 meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 at 5998 Bethel Road SE in Port Orchard. Program and potluck served on the fourth Monday. Call (360) 876-0889 or (360) 876-2893 for information.

ASSOCIATED CLUBS OF WATERMAN: The Associated Clubs of Waterman organization exists for the purpose of preservation of the old Waterman School building. New mambers are welcome. The group meets the second Friday of every month, September through May. The building is available for rentals. For information contact Janet hane, 871-3425, or Rita Rae-Young, 871-6177.

ROTARY CLUBS: Two South Kitsap-area Rotary clubs meet each week on the same day — Tuesday — but at different times. Port Orchard Rotary meets over breakfast at 7:15 am at Le Garmache meeting hall at Westbay Center, and South Kitsap Rotary has luncheon meetings at noon at Puerto Vallarta restaurant.

KARAOKE: Port Orchard VFW Post 2669 has karaoke every Friday and Saturday, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Information: 876-2669.

RETIRED EMPLOYEES: National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), Chapter 0888, Port Orchard, meets every second Tuesday of each month at the Port Orchard Eagles Lodge, 4001 Jackson. Information: 876-2893.

AMERICAN LEGION: The Port Orchard American Legion Post 30, located at 615 Kendall Street, holds their regular meetings at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Information: 337-4727.

KIWANIS OF PORT ORCHARD: Weekly lunch meeting is held at Myhre’s Restaurant (upstairs), 737 Bay St., Port Orchard, at noon every Wednesday. Information: 478-6102

Kiwanis Club of Port Orchard: Weekly lunch meeting is held at Westbay Center, 1307 Bay Street, Port Orchard, at noon every Wednesday. For more information contact David L. Foote, presidentp at (360) 377-8505 or (360) 871-3937.

AMVETS: American Veterans (AMVETS) meet every third Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Post 2669, 736 Bay Street. All veterans welcome.

VETERAN’S GROUP: VFW Post 2669 meets at 7:30 p.m. the second Thursday of every month at 736 Bay St., Port Orchard. All VFW members welcome.


CELEBRATE LIFE: A Christian-based nonprofit crisis pregnancy center is located 510 Dekalb St., Suite F. Hours are: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers and donations of clothes (maternity, infant, and toddler) cribs, bedding, formula and diapers are needed. The group offers an abstinence program and a parenting program, as well as a post-abortion Bible Study Program. Information: 876-4229.

HEARING-IMPAIRED: The Port Orchard Church of Christ, 2585 Carr Lane SE, invites hearing-impaired members of the community to its signed 11 a.m. Sunday services. For information, call (360) 876-2604.

CHRISTIAN SINGLES: Positive Christian Singles meet 6:30-8 p.m. every Wednesday at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church in Gig Harbor. All single adults welcome. Childcare available. Information: 851-7779.

BIBLE STUDY: Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Family Worship Center in the Bryman College building, along State Route 16. The public is welcome. Non-denominational class. Details: 874-0903.

VESPERS AND HEALING: Spirit of Life Lutheran Church hosts services of Vespers and Healing at 7:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. Information: 876-5094.

Public Meetings

DOWNTOWN BOOSTERS: The Port Orchard Bay Street Association meets on the third Wednesday of each month at Haborside Bar & Grill, from 6 to 7 p.m.. Business owners and individuals are welcome. For more information, call Monika Sabol at (360) 874-0779.

MANCHESTER BOOSTERS: The Manchester Community Association meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Manchester Public Library. The organization’s mailing address is: P.O. Box 603, Manchester, WA 98353.

WATER DISTRICT: West Sound Utility District has consolidated Annapolis Water and Karcher Creek Sewer. The board meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. Information: 876-2545.

IMPROVEMENT CLUB: The Harper Park Improvement Club holds its regular meeting at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in the Modular Room of the Harper Evangelical Free Church at the corner of Sedgwick and Wilson Creek Road. Details: 871-0407 or 871-4858.

SUNNYSLOPE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: Meets the second Thursday of each month, at 5830 Old Clifton Rd. SW, Port Orchard, at 7:30 p.m. Information: 895-3395.

MANCHESTER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Will be holding its formal meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at the Manchester Library, 8067 E. Main St., Manchester, at 7:00 p.m. Information: 871-9190.

PARKS MEETINGS: South Kitsap Parks and Recreation meets at 7 p.m. at 712 Sidney Ave. on the second Thursday of the month. Information: 895-1551.
