Campaign coverage, help for small business, habitat conservation among top stories

Candidates for Superior Court are touting their experience as pro tem judges. Poulsbo zoning code changes may help home businesses. Expanded conservation effort takes flight in North Kitsap. Candidates for 23rd District state representative, position 2, engage in a Q&A with the Herald. Those are the top stories in the Oct. 12 North Kitsap Herald, available now at newsstands and in stores.

POULSBO — Candidates for Superior Court are touting their experience as pro tem judges. Poulsbo zoning code changes may help home businesses. Expanded conservation effort takes flight in North Kitsap. Candidates for 23rd District state representative, position 2, engage in a Q&A with the Herald.

Those are the top stories in the Oct. 12 North Kitsap Herald, available now at newsstands and in stores.

The Oct. 12 edition consists of two sections, 36 pages, with USA Weekend magazine, and local and regional advertising circulars. The Herald Opinion page features the newspaper’s endorsement in the race for Kitsap County Superior Court judge, Department 7. The Kitsap Week cover story is about the Bremerton Symphony’s 70th anniversary season.

Inside the Herald, you’ll find local news, Public Meetings, Opinion, Letters to the Editor, Sports & Outdoors, coverage of the Greater Hansville Community Center candidates forum, North Kitsap Calendar, Law & Justice, Legal Notices, Police Calls, News Briefs, Around Town, Kitsap Week Life and Culture, Northwest Wines, Gluten Free Foodies, Kitsap Week Crossword, Kitsap Calendar, Around Kitsap, and Sound Classifieds & Real Estate Now.

The Herald has been the Voice of North Kitsap since 1901. For convenient home delivery, call (360) 779-4464 or email

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