City of Bremerton to reconstruct sidewalk at entrance of Olympic College

Sidewalk project will close the southbound right turn lane along Warren Avenue

The City of Bremerton will be reconstructing the sidewalk at the main entrance to the Olympic College Bremerton campus starting Monday.

Specifically, the work will take place at the northwest corner of the intersection of 16th Street and Warren Avenue; a necessary step for Kitsap Transit buses to safely make the right turn onto the campus from Warren Avenue, according to a press release.

The duration of the project is expected to last through the week of May 15 but could take longer if weather impacts construction. Once work begins, the City of Bremerton will close the southbound right turn lane on Warren Avenue, along with the adjacent sidewalk that is being replaced.

Campus traffic traveling southbound along Warren Avenue will be rerouted to enter campus via 13th Street. Traffic will then travel northbound along Broadway Avenue to access parking lots.