PORT ORCHARD — The dozens of volunteers, including the mayor and city council members, at City Hall were taking an unexpected break April 29 just an hour into the Port Orchard Community Service Day spring cleanup.
The energetic volunteers did quick work with loads of bark to cover planting beds nestled next to Prospect Street and City Hall, so much so that another large load was on order for the idle crew. In the meantime, a gathering of volunteers began pulling weeds on the south side in preparation for the new load of bark chips.
Three other park sites in Port Orchard also were getting a spring makeover. Etta Turner Park’s gazebo got needed repairs from a handy crew from the Port Orchard Rotary club. And over at Central Park on Dwight Street, helpers of all ages grabbed shovels and rakes to fill in bare spots on the park’s playfield. Givens Playground also received some needed coverage of bark chips.