Cotton candy and Viking Village: Sunny start for Viking Fest | Slideshow

Strange sounds mixed together last weekend: hammer on anvil, deep tones from a cow horn, accordion music, laughter and jokes, and shrieks from carnival riders. All culminating in the unique event that is Poulsbo's Viking Fest.

POULSBO — Strange sounds mixed together last weekend: hammer on anvil, deep tones from a cow horn, accordion music, laughter and jokes, and shrieks from carnival riders. All culminating in the unique event that is Poulsbo’s Viking Fest.

The fest centers around Poulsbo’s deep Scandinavian roots, celebrating Norway’s Constitution Day, May 17. The U.S. Color Guard, Sons of Norway Vice President Tony Smallbeck, Miss Viking Fest and Little Miss Viking Fest and princesses, and Kim Nesselquist, Norwegian consul, welcomed folks from all over to the 44th annual Viking Fest.
