On Wednesday, the Poulsbo City Council reviewed and approved updates to the Urban Paths of Poulsbo Trails Plan. The updates were the first since it was originally drafted.
Included in the update are numerous proposed trail connections and shared use paths.
Short-term improvements include increasing signage for trails, and connections and installing crosswalks and sharrows in various locations throughout the city.
Long-term improvements outlined in the plan include the construction of a waterfront trail connecting the boardwalk of American Legion Park to Poulsbo’s Fish Park and Nelson Park, as well as constructing improvements at the recently acquired waterfront park on the western side of Liberty Bay.
Poulsbo Parks and Recreation director Mary McCluskey said that while these improvements were listed in the plan, that does not necessarily mean they have been funded.
McCluskey said she was impressed with the work of multiple departments within city government which have been influential in the process.
“One thing that’s really been impressive over the last six years is — with the strength of nearly every, single city department: engineering, planning, parks and rec and public works — we had a lot of successes,” McCluskey said. “It really shows how different departments had a piece in this.”
The update to the Urban Paths of Poulsbo Trail Plan was unanimously approved by the council and will move forward for docketing in the city’s 2019 Comprehensive Plan update.
—Nick Twietmeyer is a reporter with Kitsap News Group. Nick can be reached at ntwietmeyer@soundpublishing.com