FAB proud to honor scholarship winners | FAB Spotlight

The arts students we got to know in the 2012-13 year were exceptional, creative, friendly, warmhearted, outright amazing individuals who gave us immense hope.

The arts students we got to know in the 2012-13 year were exceptional, creative, friendly, warmhearted, outright amazing individuals who gave us immense hope.

Sixteen drama, music, visual arts and debate students received scholarships or awards from FAB and eight were featured artists in this column. Ten of the scholarships went to AP (Advanced Placement) visual arts students for their AP test fees.

At the districtwide Festival of the Arts in May, FAB awarded first prize to Devon Jacob for his sculpture, second prize to Olivia Gurney for her drawing, and third prize to Chealsey Rosebrook for her photography.

You have met the eight featured artists in the FAB Spotlight here in this column during the year, been entertained by them at Rotary Club lunches, seen and heard them in concerts and plays, in debates and in the  marching band. You know how exceptional they are.

On June 4 at the KHS Scholarship and Awards Banquet, FAB was proud to award scholarships to three college-bound seniors: Cailyn Crossland, Sonya Redbird and Victor Morgan.

Visual arts teacher James Andrews wrote of Cailyn:  “… thoughtful introspection as to what she wants to say with her art has been the driving factor in Cailyn’s development as an artist. Her sculptures can be jarring but are powerful in their communication with the viewer.”

Cailyn wrote, “My concentration this year was ‘Preventative Diseases’ and I loved being able to combine art and medicine. Being able to encourage prevention and healthy living through my art is such a gratifying experience.”

Music teacher Casey Whitson recommended Sonya: “She holds a most important position in the character of the music ensembles at KHS. She is  a determined, consummate professional who leads by example. She wears the mantle of reliable dedicated student leadership 24/7. She supplies the strong foundation with her huge tuba/sousaphone sound.”

“Every human being wants to be heard,” Sonya said. “To be heard is what band is all about. Expression is what we spread with every note. In four years band has encouraged me to explore and excel. I’ve been given the gift of facing my fears and anxiety.”

Dee MacKinnon, debate advisor, quoted Vince Lombardi in describing Victor: “It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.”

Victor is a four-year, four-star debater. He is a musician — clarinet, piano, composer and singer.

Whitson sings Victor’s praises. “He displays a huge level of personal dedication, teamwork, leadership, cultural and creative thinking.”

“My musicianship and math skills have been mutually reinforcing,” Victor said. “Making oneself practice regularly is a challenge but, it becomes easier to regulate one’s time in other areas. Music has helped me grow in uncountable ways.”

These students prove the value of the arts in our schools and in our communities. Stand up for fully funded arts programs in North Kitsap School District.

The time is now.

