POULSBO — One more shot.
North Kitsap High School principal Ron Herrera is inviting one and all to the final meeting to offer suggestions on what issues North Kitsap High School parents feel they need more information on.
The first meeting was a success, Herrera said, as “nearly a dozen†parents made it to the afternoon discussion and offered a myriad of questions and concerns. However, due to inclement weather, the second scheduled meeting at Mitzel’s was cancelled and the final meeting has been reset for 7 p.m. tonight at the NKHS library.
NKHS parents and area residents with questions lingering about what is happening at the high school are welcome to share what is on their minds, Herrera said.
“We are trying to create communication forums that would be interesting to parents and community members to find out what’s going on at North Kitsap High School,†Herrera said.
After input has been gathered from tonight’s meeting, a diverse committee made up of parents, students and staff will work together to develop the agendas for information forums in 2006. Herrera said the idea is to create a theme for each forum and have sessions run according to time-framed, relevant discussion topics.
The forums will be held once a month from January to May and will be open to all NKHS parents. Topics fueling the meetings will be taken from notes of these preliminary discussions. The first two discussions have covered a spectrum of issues of which the community isn’t as informed as it feels it should be. From rumors of drug abuse running rampant on campus, to questions about the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, parents want to know how students are being helped in the present as well as how a structure that segues into Small Learning Committees will affect students of the future.
These unanswered questions are expected to be explained and discussed with parents at the beginning of 2006.
At the most recent discussion at Mitzel’s, NKHS director of career and technology education Jim Noeldner had a few unanswered questions for the community members and parents. He wanted to know what the school could do to create continued communication between itself and its parents. Herrera also asked what format is best to draw parents into discussions which will benefit both the school and the community.
Residents who have been unable to attend but still have questions that they’d like to propose for a topic, can e-mail them to North Kitsap School District’s community relations director Chris Case at ccase@nksd.wednet.edu.