After welcoming its first prince in about a decade in 2007, the Fathoms o’Fun Pageant will crown only princesses this year as five young women will compete to become royalty.
Saturday at Christian Life Center the group of South Kitsap resi-dents will complete what pageant director Kim Martin described as “four months of work … competing for scholarships and to serve and represent their community.”
Those contestants are:
• Sandy Bradley, 18: A South Kitsap High School senior in her second year as a Running Start Student at Olympic College, Bradley is sponsored by Kitsap Bank and will perform a “dramatic monologue” at the pageant.
She enjoys running and is involved in Youth Missions International and AWANA.
Her goals are to earn a master’s degree in mathematics education, then teach either junior high or high school students.
She is the daughter of Bill and Leanne Bradley.
• Megan McCormick, 16: A South Kitsap High School junior, McCormick is a member of the school’s Highlighters and the Chamber choir.
She is active in musical theatre, plays the oboe, piano and harp and is studying voice.
Sponsored by Puget Sound Auto Repair and A-1 Radiator Repair, McCormick will sing during the talent portion of the pageant. She is the daughter of Brenda and the late Frederick McCormick.
• Kerri Rivers, 17: A senior at South Kitsap Christian School and Explorer Academy, is a member of her church choir and youth worship team. She takes voice lessons and plays fast pitch softball.
Sponsored by Integrity Cleaning, her talent will be singing. She is the daughter of Rob and Wanda Rivers.
• Ashley Spangenberger, 18: A 2007 graduate of South Kitsap High School, Spangenberger lists working and playing tennis as her activities. Her goal is to attend college and become a nurse.
Sponsored by Westbay Napa Auto Parts, her talent will be singing.
She is the daughter of Mark and Dawn Hughes.
• Arrielle Thuring, 18: A senior at South Kitsap High School, Thuring is a member of the schools’ ROTC Color Guard and is a mentor. Her goal is to become a wedding planner and open up a business with her sister.
Sponsored by Rill Chap-el, her talent will be a poetry.
She is the daughter of Bradford and Marielle Thuring.