CENTRAL KITSAP – Kitsap County’s Department of Public Works will begin road improvements at the intersection of NE McWilliams Road and Old Military Road NE in the first week of April. The safety improvement project extends from the Pine Road NE intersection to approximately 300 feet beyond the Old Military Road NE intersection. The project constructs intersection and channelization improvements designed to alleviate congestion and to improve operational efficiency.
The project also constructs a left turn lane on eastbound NE McWilliams Road at the intersection with Old Military Road NE and widens the roadway to increase bicycle safety. Sidewalks and handicap ramps for improved pedestrian safety are part of the project. New stormwater conveyance systems and treatment facilities are also included to improve water quality and quantity of roadway runoff.
Traffic studies indicate a high number of rear-end collisions involving vehicles stopped at McWilliams Road while waiting for an opportunity to turn left onto Old Military Rd NE. Installing a left-turn lane on the eastbound McWilliams Road approach will reduce the frequency and severity of vehicle crashes.
One lane of traffic will be maintained in the work zone throughout the project. Flaggers will direct traffic through the work area and will minimize traffic delays to the maximum extent possible. Immediate access for emergency vehicles is maintained at all times and crews will maintain entry to driveways. The project is expected to be complete by August 2016. The work is being done by BPCI Earthworks, LLC from Puyallup.