Indianola Port, Buc Field, Suquamish donation, vandalism repaired among top stories

The Indianola Port District's government is on the mend. Buc Field is approved for home games. Suquamish Tribe donates $100,000 to Village Green. Volunteers restore vandalized welcome sign. Those are the top stories in the September edition of the Kingston Community News, available in mailboxes and local stores.

KINGSTON — The Indianola Port District’s government is on the mend. Buc Field is approved for home games. Suquamish Tribe donates $100,000 to Village Green. Volunteers restore vandalized welcome sign.

Those are the top stories in the September edition of the Kingston Community News, available in mailboxes and local stores.

This edition of the Kingston Community News is 32 pages and includes two pages of color photos from the Village Green Foundation’s Pie in the Park fundraiser.

Inside the Community News, you’ll find local news and features, Editorial, Letters to the Editor, As It Turns Out by Marylin Olds, four pages of local business news, Check It Out by Tomi Whalen, Choices for the Future by Naomi Maasberg, Port Gamble Gazette by Shana Smith, Noo-Kayet by Jeromy Sullivan, Community Calendar and Public Meetings, Hansville Happenings by Donna Lee Anderson, Obituaries, In Uniform, Weddings & Engagements, Kingston Kiwanis by Bob Lee, Spinal Column by Dr. Thomas Lamar, Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce pages, ShareNet & You by Mark Ince, This ‘n’ That by Jacque Thornton, FerryFare, North Kitsap Fire & Rescue by Michele Laboda, At Your Service directory, Down at the Port by Pete DeBoer, Newsmakers, A Glance at the Past by Harriet Muhrlein, Sheriff’s Log, Crime Briefs, PNW Marketplace, Just Ask Jan, and local advertising.

You can also read the Community News page by page at You can get regular news updates at, on Facebook, and by scanning the code on the Opinion page to get our free mobile app.

If you have any comments about this edition, or would like to submit a letter to the editor or news item for publication, write

