Kingston port commissioner challenging Sherry Appleton for 23rd district seat

Port of Kingston Commissioner Pete DeBoer will challenge State Rep. Sherry Appleton , D-Poulsbo, in the Nov. 2 general election.

DeBoer announced his campaign for the 23rd Legislative District seat early Wendesday afternoon at a Greater Kingston Community Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

The 22-year Kingston resident said he won’t list a party affiliation in his initial campaign filing, but will likely run as a Republican.

In a written statement, DeBoer said he wants to increase education funding, reduce regulations on business and bring more money to Kitsap County for transportation projects.

“I continue to see our citizens lose out to the counties along the Interstate Five corridor when it comes to state initiated projects to decrease congestion and increase quality of life,” DeBoer said in the statement.

Appleton was recovering from a surgery Wednesday and declined to comment.

DeBoer served 22 years in the U.S. Coast Guard and later worked as a real estate agent and owned a printer supply company.

He was elected to the port commission in 2004. As a commissioner he has helped oversee several waterfront building projects and plan a passenger ferry route to Seattle.

If elected to the Legislature, DeBoer said he would like to stay on as a port commissioner.

DeBoer is challenging an experienced politician.

Appleton was first elected to the Legislature in 2004, after serving eight years on the Poulsbo City Council . She won reelection 2008 with more than 60 percent of the vote, defeating Republican challenger Larry Cooney.

The 23rd Legislative District represents Bainbridge Island, North Kitsap and portions of Central Kitsap.

Candidate filings for the Aug. 17 primary close June 11.
