BREMERTON — Kitsap Transit launches Kingston Ride, a new dial-a-ride service, June 5.
Kingston Ride is a transit option serving areas where the agency does not run routed service.
Kingston Ride will serve downtown Kingston, George’s Corner, Gamblewood and The Point Casino &Hotel.
Like Kitsap Transit’s Bainbridge and South Kitsap dial-a-rides, Kingston Ride will offer riders on-demand transit with curb-to-curb service during off-peak hours. Regular fare is $2, reduced fare is $1.
The service will run Monday through Friday. Service will start at the Kingston Ferry Terminal at 8 a.m. with the last pickup at 4 p.m. Residents can call 1-844-475-7433 to schedule a ride up to seven days in advance, or use the TapRide mobile app to hail the bus driver within one to two hours of planned departure.
According to Kitsap Transit, the service will not go up driveways or dead-end streets, but will meet riders at the closest intersection to their requested pick-up spot.
Stops will be made only within the service area and all rides must start and end within that service area, Kitsap Transit reported.
Kingston Ride will also connect riders to the #91 Kingston/Bainbridge and #92 Kingston/Suquamish buses. Routed bus riders will be able transfer to Kingston Ride at those connection points as well.
During the month of June, the public can try Kingston Ride for free, as is the agency’s policy whenever it launches a service after the first of the month.
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