Kitsap Community Foundation awards grants and scholarships

Local nonprofits and students receive funding for programs and future education

Kitsap Community Foundation recently awarded grants through its annual competitive grant process and scholarships from five scholarship funds.

Twenty-two of Kitsap County’s nonprofit organizations received grants.

Kol Medina, the foundation’s executive director, said the foundation’s board of directors are honored to be able to fund to local nonprofits.

According to Medina, the foundation received 106 grant applications, more than twice as many applications as the previous year.  Medina said, “Over $460,000 was requested but we were only able to fund about $80,000 worth of grants. It’s difficult to have to turn down so many deserving grant applications.”

Following is a list of most of the grants that were awarded:

Bainbridge Performing Arts:  provide free tickets to youth to attend symphony concerts, $3,663.

Blue Star Banner Program:  install street banners thanking our veterans, $3,000.

Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County:  provide immediate crisis intervention to youth, $2,780.

Friends of the Farms:  for land stewardships, purchase a storage shed and maintenance, $1,500.

God’s Kitchen at Family of God Lutheran Church:  provide free meals to those in need, $3,500.

Holly Ridge Center:  provide early intervention for children, $1,404.

Hope in Christ Ministries/The Coffee Oasis:  provide support for homeless youth ages 13-25 years old, $3,400.

Kitsap Adult Center for Education:  purchase food for low income students, $1,200.

Kitsap Historical Society Museum:  support three traveling educational exhibits on WA history, $1,800.

Kitsap Youth Mentoring Consortium:  support, expand, and create quality youth mentoring programs, $750.

Mason County Food Pantry:  provide food or emergency shelter supplies to the needy, $1,500.

North Kitsap Boys and Girls Club:  offer Kingston Middle School kids a safe place to meet and socialize, $4,000.

Onechurch:  raise awareness of child sex trafficking threats and fund tools for parents, $4,000.

Page Ahead Children’s Literacy Program:  provide new books to children, $4,000.

Rolling Reader/Star Programs:  provide reading tutors and new books to children, $5,000.

Royal Family Kid’s Camp (RFKC):  enrich the lives of battered, abused, and neglected children, $3,000.

U.S. Lighthouse Society:  rehabilitate the exterior of the keeper’s dwelling at Point No Point Lighthouse Station, $5,000.

Village Green Foundation:  provide furnishings for the Senior Center, $4,000.

Walk in the Light International:  support this community development organization, $4,000.

Weaver Foundation-Georgia Mattson Memorial Shelter:  provide shelter for women and children who are homeless, $1,000.

West Sound Youth for Christ, Independent Living Services:  assists youth transitioning out of the foster care system, $7,600.

Suquamish Farmers Market:  general support of the farmers market, $300.

In addition, seven local students were awarded scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year ranging from $800 to $1,000 in amount.

“With higher-education costs rising at a significant rate, it’s rewarding to be able to provide scholarships to deserving students,” Kol said.

Scholarships were awarded to the following deserving recipients:

Charles and Dorothy Martell Family Music Scholarship:  Benjamin Jensen, $900.  This scholarship is awarded to a 2013 Kitsap County graduating high school student wishing to continue music education beyond high school. This scholarship was established by the children of Charles and Dorothy Martell to honor their parents.

Fred and Marvel Hill Scholarship:  Victor Morgan, $800.  This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior of the North Kitsap School District who is accepted by a college, university, trade or vocational school.  This scholarship was created to honor Fred and Marvel Hill.

Marie A Barker Teaching Scholarship:  Ashley Grimes, $1,000.  This scholarship is awarded to a full-time student attending Olympic College of Western Washington University Woodring College of Education.  Marie A. Barker, for whom this scholarship is named, was a master teacher who was dedicated to helping young children do their very best.

Nova Group Scholarship:  Adam Burchett, $1,000.  This scholarship is awarded to a Kitsap County high school senior who intends to pursue a degree in engineering or construction management.

Kitsap Children’s Musical Theatre (KCMT) Scholarship:  Katharine Mae Beddoe, Meghan Ottomano, Sheridan Rose Prince, $1,000 each.  This scholarship is awarded to students who will be attending post-secondary education in 2013/2014 and who have participated in the Kitsap Children’s Musical Theatre program.  This scholarship was established in memory of Michael Riedel in honor of his dedication and contributions to KCMT.

The mission of the Foundation is to improve the community’s quality of life by connecting people who care with causes that matter.  Since 1999, the foundation has distributed over $1.3 million dollars to approximately 150 different nonprofits in Kitsap County.

For more information about the grant or scholarship selection process or the Kitsap Community Foundation, please call Medina at 360-698-3622 or go to the website at