Kitsap County gets a new Sheriff for the Day

The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office has picked Low to be the “Sheriff for a Day,” as part of a program that allows one special kid to be named head honcho.

9 years old, but he handles himself like a seasoned deputy already.

On May 13, dressed in full uniform, Low got to hang out with some local law enforcement brass.

The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office has picked Low to be the “Sheriff for a Day,” as part of a program that allows one special kid to be named head honcho.

Low is a student at South Colby Elementary School and lives in Port Orchard with his parents Mike and Stephanie and his two brothers, Jonathan and Jayden.

Low enjoys playing soccer, loves to play video games and his favorite color is purple.

He also likes to read, work puzzles and play on his computer.

His favorite movie is Wall-E, but he says he also likes Shrek and Toy Story 3 too.

Asked how his friends would describe him, Joshua said, “They would consider me a great friend”.

Joshua has a very positive attitude as he struggles daily with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

He spent the first eight months of his life at the Children’s Hospital in Seattle, the first four months in the Intensive Care Unit.

As an infant, he suffered a stroke and has chronic lung disease with only one functional lung.

Severe scoliosis makes it difficult for him to maneuver, which has required multiple expansion surgeries to insert rods into his back as he grows. Eating is not a problem for Low, but maintaining his weight is.

Each night a gastric feeding tube is used to help him fight this challenge.

The threat of epileptic seizures also lingers as he goes about his daily routines.

In addition to Joshua’s illness, his father is battling cancer and not working.

In spite of all that’s going on in his life, Joshua is still a happy kid with a contagious attitude.

The 2010 “Chief/Sheriff for a Day” event is being held on Aug. 18 at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission in Burien.

The event provides a very special day for the 21 children selected to participate in activities they otherwise might be not be able to.

Their day will start with the children and their families being escorted to the event, by police motorcade, from Qwest Field in limousines and police vehicles.

Upon arrival, they will be greeted by bagpipes and waiting law enforcement, where they will proceed to the swearing-in ceremony.

Participating local area law enforcement agencies include the Port Orchard Police Department, Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office and Bainbridge Island Police Department.

Financial and gift donations are still needed to support this program and to assist the families in need.

For more information on donating, contact Chief Gary Simpson at (360) 337-4862.
