Kitsap Physical Therapy and Sports Clinics (KPT) has exceeded its goal for donations to local food banks by more than $4,000, it has been announced.
KPT has supported Kitsap County’s food banks during the past year by donating 50 cents for each patient visit.
At the patient’s initial visit, KPT explains the program and at the completion of their course of physical therapy, 50 cents per visit is awarded to the local food bank.
KPT has helped Helpline House, Sharenet Food Bank, North Kitsap Fishline, South Kitsap Helpline, Central Kitsap Food Bank and the Bremerton Foodline.
KPT’s goal for 2013 was to donate $10,000, however their total donation was $13,932.
KPT plans to continuing the program in 2014 and give back to the community one patient at a time.
For more information call 360-598-3764.