Letter to the editor

Not too long ago the editor of the newspaper took issue with typos made by another organization. One should be careful about throwing stones especially when he is the editor of a newspaper—a glass house. So, I’ll lob some in his direction.

Not too long ago the editor of the newspaper took issue with typos made by another organization. One should be careful about throwing stones especially when he is the editor of a newspaper—a glass house. So, I’ll lob some in his direction.

A few weeks ago he confused president with precedent. I believe it was in last week’s newspaper that he confused matriculate with graduate. A student matriculates into not out of an institution. In today’s edition, page 4 lists a parade lineup in which there are at least 11 consistent typos which probably resulted from importing a list from a document of a different format. I doubt the editor actually did that work, but he is, nonetheless, responsible.

Earthshaking events? Not hardly. My heart goes out to those who made a mistake with once in a lifetime awards. I sincerely doubt it was done on purpose. However the editor of this newspaper didn’t have to rub noses in it.  He could have taken a different approach, the high road.

Speaking of roads, why don’t we see substantive articles addressing the state of and plans for our city and local  county roads which are falling apart rapidly? That’s were the stones belong.

Mike Morrissey

