Local lawmakers disagree with treasurer’s tolls recommendation


The state legislative delegation from the 26th District, including Sen. Derek Kilmer and Reps. Larry Seaquist and Jan Angel, not only took issue this week with Washington State Treasurer James L. McIntire’s recommendation for raising tolls on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, but said they would like him to explain his reasoning to the public.

Last year, the TNB Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) recommended maintaining the transponder price at $2.75 and raising the manual price from $4 to $5. However, in late December, McIntire recommended raising the transponder toll to $3.75, citing concerns over having “sufficient coverage” of the bridge bond debt payments.

“(McIntire) is recommending we have 110 percent coverage, which is your revenue over costs,” Kilmer said, explaining that the toll rates recommended by the CAC would provide at least 100 percent coverage.

Following McIntire’s recommendation, the Washington State Transportation Commission voted last week to increase the transponder price — paid by Good To Go! users — to $3.25, and the manual/cash price to $5.

Prior to the toll rates officially being approved and adopted, public meetings will be held, which the lawmakers hope the treasurer can attend.

“We think it’s very important that he communicate why he thinks this amount of coverage is necessary,” Kilmer said, explaining that he hoped either the treasurer or a representative from his office would be on hand. “We think it’s very important both for the public to hear from them, and for the public to have an opportunity to ask questions.”

“I was involved on a phone conference with the treasurer before session started,” Angel noted, “and he knew well our feeling at that time. When the conversation ended, he stated he had heard us. We asked why the public meetings have not yet been held and he said they were having trouble getting a location, so I offered to get one in Port Orchard and the deputy mayor of Gig Harbor offered their city hall.”

Kilmer said the legislators disagree with the treasurer’s recommendation for more “coverage” — what Kilmer described as a “savings account on top of a savings account” — for three main reasons:

• that level coverage isn’t really necessary;

• The TNB is not funding by not toll revenue bonds, but backed by the “full faith and credit of the state of Washington.This project was unique, and almost completely paid for by tolls;”

• “We need to be mindful that we are in a great recession, and this will increase costs to business and families. I am very concerned for the people and businesses I represent.”

Chris McGann from the Treasurer’s Office said he knew of no plans for McIntire to attend any public meetings, but he or a representative would attend if invited by the CAC.

“If asked, we would send (McIntire) or somebody else to the meeting,” McGann said.

In the meantime, Kilmer urged all his constituents to either mail their comments to: Washington State Transportation Commission, P.O. Box 47308, Olympia, WA. 98504-7308, or submit them at the WSTC’s website.
