Man rear-ends vehicle, steals his information from victim

A 32-year-old Silverdale man was arrested for a hit-and-run and theft March 6 after rear-ending a vehicle in the Kitsap Mall parking lot and stealing the notebook a victim used to record his information.

A 32-year-old Silverdale man was arrested for a hit-and-run and theft March 6 after rear-ending a vehicle in the Kitsap Mall parking lot and stealing the notebook a victim used to record his information.

Kitsap County sheriff’s deputies were called to the collision scene near Kohl’s at about 3:55 p.m., according to reports. The 23-year-old driver from Silverdale told deputies a Nissan pickup rear-ended his car as he slowed to make a turn. The man driving the pickup, the 32-year-old man, got out of his truck and spoke to the 23-year-old driver and the 24-year-old passenger from Seabeck. When asked about insurance, the 32-year-old said he had none and did not want them to call 911. When the 24-year-old passenger started to write down his name and license plate number in a notebook, the 32-year-old said, “Don’t do that!” and took her notebook and drove away.

Deputies found the 32-year-old man at his house, who said he had no idea why they wanted to speak with him. After denying knowledge about a collision and a notebook, he admitted to the hit-and-run and theft. He retrieved the stolen notebook from the attic access in his house and the page with his information was torn out.

He was booked into Kitsap County jail for investigation of hit-and-run and theft.