The Navy League of the United States (NLUS) Bremerton/Olympic Peninsula Council recently recognized the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station/Sector Field Office Port Angeles Third Quarter 2014 Enlisted Person of the Quarter (EPOQ) Damage Controlman Second Class First Class Petty Officer (DC2) Daniel Delpriore during a Command All Hands gathering.
Navy Leaguer Ken Sweeney presented Delpriore with a soaring eagle statuette engraved with his name following introduction by the station’s Commanding Officer, Commander Andrew Eriks. Eriks also detailed Delpriore’s achievements that led to his selection as a key unit leader in 2014.
According to the citation, Delpriore’s diligent efforts to mission support have made an indelible mark on his unit, his supervisors, and his subordinates. He demonstrated the greatest work ethic while maintaining a terrific sense of humor that kept his shop in good spirits during the most stressful of times.
During the third quarter, Delpriore aided five Coast Guard Patrol Boats during their dock side availabilities by performing five high level Maintenance Procedures.
One of the missions of the Navy League is to support the men and women of the sea services and their families.