POULSBO — Crime-weary neighbors on 4th Avenue are becoming more vigilant. The Anderson Parkway project has been moved to February. Poulsbo fire chief’s departure creates consolidation options. Harrison Medical Center’s plan of correction accepted by CMS.
Those are among the top stories in the April 6 North Kitsap Herald, available now at newsstands and in stores.
This edition of the Herald is a hefty one. There are 44 pages in two sections, as well as USA Weekend, Clip or Click coupons, and The Grape Vine, a 48-page wine country travel supplement.
In the Herald, you’ll find local news, Opinion, Letters to the Editor, Being Frank, Sports, Public Meetings, News Briefs, North Kitsap Calendar, North Kitsap Business, Obituaries, Law & Justice, Legal Notices, political news, Scene & Heard, Kitsap Week Life and Culture, Northwest Wines, Sudoku, Kitsap Calendar, Gluten Free Foodies, Crossword, Around Kitsap, Sound Classifieds and Real Estate Now.
A list of Easter worship services is located on A8. A list of local egg hunts in located on page 8 of Kitsap Week.
The Herald has been the Voice of North Kitsap since 1901. For convenient home delivery, call (360) 779-4464 or email cdano@northkitsapherald.com.
You can read the Herald page by page online at www.northkitsapherald.com/green_editions. Get regular news updates on NorthKitsapHerald.com and on Facebook, and scan the code on our front page to download our free mobile app.