New port budget holds water with commissioners

POULSBO — Port of Poulsbo Commissioners had little to say and even less objection to their proposed 2005 budget. Perhaps because the document proposes a leaner operating port and smaller increases for their customers.

POULSBO — Port of Poulsbo Commissioners had little to say and even less objection to their proposed 2005 budget.

Perhaps because the document proposes a leaner operating port and smaller increases for their customers.

At their Sept. 16 meeting, port commissioners unanimously passed the proposed 2005 budget. The document included a total operating expenses of about $732,848 for both its permanent moorage side and Liberty Park compared with $738,000 in 2004. Revenues for 2005 are estimated at a total of $792,512 compared with $638,406 last year.

Rate changes, also unanimously approved Thursday night, were:

•Permanent moorage — Raised .6 percent from $3.61 per square foot to $3.65 per square foot. Electricity, no change from 7 cents per KWH. Utility, change from $5.64 to 64 cents.

•Transient moorage — Raised 1.8 percent from $3.86 per foot to $3.94 per foot. Electricity, no change from 50 cents per KWH. No utility charge.

•Boat house moorage — Raised 1.6 percent from 25 cents per square foot to 26 cents per square foot. Electricity, no change from 7 cents per KWH. Utility, change from $5.64 to 64 cents.

•Reservation fees — no change from $10.

In the 2004 budget, fees were increased 3 percent across the board.

Port Manager Ed Erhardt had previously stated that only modest increases in port moorage were proposed for 2005 because of boaters’ more efficient use of utility resources during 2004.

About $52,000 of the total expenditures for 2005 are capital projects. Plans include computer hardware are software replacement, “C” dock pedestal replacement and upgrades to the fuel dock hardware.

The new document also budgets $60,032 in grant/matching fund reserves for the possibility of upcoming large projects such as replacing the aging breakwater.

Aside from a short conversation over whether or not the port could avoid some of the Visa expenses it incurs every year, commissioners said little about the document. There was no public comment from the handful of port residents who were in attendance.

“I think it looks fine,” Commissioner Tony DeCarlo commented.


Port of Poulsbo Budget in Review

2004 2005

General Fund Income (port) $642,053 $637,512

General Fund Income (park) $158,240 $155,000

Total Expenditures (port) $592,041 $578,030

Total Expenditures (park) $146,365 $154,450

*Port of Poulsbo budgets are split between its permanent moorage side (port) and Liberty Park guest moorage (park).
