Newberry Hill Road reopening delayed to Nov. after construction damage

Kitsap officials have announced an approximate reopening date of Nov. 3 of the NW Newberry Hill Road culvert, less than two weeks after somone caused equipment and structural damage at the construction site.

Assessments by the engineer and designer of the retaining wall concluded that the damage was far more severe than initially thought. The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office reported that someone was able to access heavy equipment left onsite, using it to cause the damage.

“Crews will need to excavate beneath the damaged retaining wall, requiring substantial reconstruction,” county officials say in a news release. “Additionally, the extended lead time for necessary materials has contributed to the delay.”

Senior engineer manager Kristina Nelson estimates the damage at up to $2 million, while the construction site sustained an estimated $1 million in damage, a number she believes could fluxuate depending on what crews continue to find during repairs.

Law enforcement is searching for the culprit in the case of first-degree malicious mischief. The roadway had originally been scheduled to open back up to the public Sept. 4.