Open house on county budget set Sept. 18

Kitsap County commissioners has set an open house for the 2014 budget on Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the Commissioner’s Chambers at the Administration Building in Port Orchard, from 2-5 p.m.

Kitsap County commissioners have set an open house for the 2014 budget on Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the Commissioner’s Chambers at the Administration Building in Port Orchard, from 2-5 p.m.

The open house is an opportunity for the public to comment and ask questions on information provided by elected officials and department directors, according to Board Chair Josh Brown.

Glenn Olson, the county new chief administrative officer, also will attend the meeting.

During the past two weeks, county departments presented funding requests for 2014 budget to the Budget Review Committee. The committee included commissioners, citizen representatives from each commissioner district, and a county employee offering the perspective of organized labor.

The departmental presentations are open to the public, but no public comment will be allowed. The open house provides an opportunity for public comment related to the budget process.

Commissioners will deliberate and make preliminary budget decisions on Sept. 23-25 and the final deliberations are set for late October.

The preliminary budget will be presented to the board Nov. 11 and a public hearing is set for Dec. 2. The final adoption of the 2014 budget is scheduled for the Dec. 9 regular commissioners meeting.

