If CNN only knew. If King 5 TV just dug a little deeper. If the “big papers” and “news moguls” had any idea, they’d see that North Kitsap’s support of Blaze the firedog — while special — is nothing out of the ordinary for the good people of this area.
KINGSTON — When two horse-drawn carriages stopped by Earth Dance Pottery on West First Street on Saturday morning, the crowd that packed the art studio bustled outside to see the newest attraction to Kingston’s Country Christmas.
POULSBO — Although it’s been a long time coming, Curt and Bobbi Owen still get choked up talking about closing Orca North.
POULSBO — About 30 people on Saturday afternoon packed Farm Kitchen’s garden room, strategically and meticulously decorating their homes with white icing, peppermint disks and candy canes.
Once again, we send our holiday sympathies to Poulsbo City Hall. There, staff and council members seem to be wishing for much more than a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year — they’re also wishing for answers.
For many World War II is a fading memory. An event that lives on only in books, movies and HBO series. The violence, brutality and inhumanity depicted horrifies us.
POULSBO — Renovation of the Nelson Park farmhouse may soon either take a big step forward or screech to a halt.
POULSBO — Consider the woeful fate of the 1976 Vega that was parked outside Poulsbo Junior High Wednesday afternoon.
Not only did it suffer the embarrassment of being a 1976 Vega — it had been towed to the school from an auto-wrecking yard, engineless and windowless; it had been covered with good-natured graffiti by students; and, as hundreds of people watched, it had a net filled with 4,200 pounds of food poised above it.
And it was all in the name of charity.
It’s the holidays in case all the hoopla, sales, heavy newspapers,babbling television and radio promotions, lights, decorations and events didn’t tip you all off.
HANSVILLE — When Chuck Edwards retired from his career at Chevron after nearly 40 years and settled down in Hansville in 1983, he immediately jumped into another type of work — volunteering to make his community better.
POULSBO — The Poulsbo Junior High winter plant sale will be in full bloom from Dec. 5-7.
KEYPORT — Although he wasn’t there for the catastrophe, the bombing of Pearl Harbor is a very personal thing to Wes Carey.
POULSBO — They may be little boxes, but as a group they added up to a big surprise for Operation Christmas Child organizers this year.
KINGSTON — With Santa Claus’ upcoming busy schedule this year, the big man always manages to recruit others to help out spreading the cheer this season — such as Kingston Kiwanis member Bud Meredith.
POULSBO — It’s a holiday tradition that’s stood in the community for 15 years, and Janet Plemmons said she’s happy to keep it going.
As the state Legislature gears up for another exciting session in Olympia, our recently elected Kitsap County officials will likely be joining others in some serious head scratching.
POULSBO — For most basketball teams, doubling last year’s win total would be a lofty goal.
POULSBO — A plan to raise library room rental fees has been recanted after an overwhelmingly negative response from Friends of the Library members.
POULSBO — Early next year, the North Kitsap School District will enhance its teaching of East Asia history and culture, and it won’t have to pay a dime to do it.
POULSBO — City officials are breathing a collective sigh of relief this week as Kitsap Transit is expected to break ground on the new 8th Avenue Transit Station Monday.