SHINE – Just six months out from the May-June 2009 Hood Canal Bridge closure the Washington State Department of Transportation is making sure drivers have a smooth commute if they choose to use park and rides at Shine Pit and Port Gamble.
“Getting the grading work done at the park and rides on schedule is a great sign that our plans to provide residents with water shuttle and transit services are progressing,” said Dave Ziegler, Hood Canal Bridge Project Principal Engineer. “These parking lots will give people another option in getting around during the May-June 2009 closure.”
Fred Hill Materials crews completed grading the 17.5-acre lot at Shine Pit and placed crushed rock on approximately 75 percent of the parking area. Fine grading for drainage and paved areas continue, but site work is on schedule for Dec. 15 when WSDOT will assume lease ownership of the site and start adding lighting and striping.
Substantial completion of grading work at Shine Pit comes less than one month after grading work at the 8-acre Port Gamble park and ride concluded. Work at Port Gamble included installation of more than 2,800 feet of construction fence and 350 yards of compost berm to ensure environmental protection for the Hood Canal and nearby Port Gamble Bay. Improvements at the park and ride are on schedule and will continue through April 2009. Overall, the Hood Canal Bridge project is 86 percent complete.
The park and rides are part of the DOT’s plan to help drivers get around during the closure. Drivers can leave their vehicles at the secure park and ride lots and catch buses to the water shuttle docks at South Point and Lofall.
The Hood Canal Bridge will close to traffic for six weeks in May 2009 so the bridge’s new east-half can be floated into place. When completed next year, Hood Canal Bridge replacement and retrofit project will improve the existing structure, making it wider, safer and more reliable. For more information, visit