Drunk teens

Drunk teens

running amok

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the area behind Michael’s in Silverdale at about 5:50 p.m. April 29 after calls came into 911 of a girl screaming and a male running away with a backpack.

A deputy spotted the 17-year-old male, who smelled strongly of alcohol, and asked him for his ID. The teen refused to identify himself. He was arrested for obstructing. The deputy located his wallet and he was placed in the patrol car. Another deputy contacted the 15-year-old girl who also smelled strongly of alcohol. She said she only had two beers. She refused to give her name, but her picture with her name on the back was found in her friend’s wallet. Deputies discovered there was a warrant for her arrest. The two teens were taken to juvenile detention center, but could not be booked because their blood alcohol level was higher than the .149 limit for booking. The male teen was released to his parents. His friend was taken to the sheriff’s office until her alcohol level was low enough for her to be booked into juvenile detention.

Tent arson

A 42-year-old South Kitsap woman called 911 at 3:36 a.m. April 24 to report a fire in the woods behind Fred Meyer in East Bremerton.

When deputies arrived she said two men had assaulted her and her 40-year-old male friend with a bat and then set their tent on fire. She said they were familiar with the two suspects and they were known to stay in the woods as well. They said that after hitting them with a bat and setting their tent on fire, the two men ran to the parking lot of Shari’s and got into a van and drove away. Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue responded and extinguished the tent fire.

Depression and a firearm don’t mix

A 35-year-old East Bremerton woman, who got into an argument with her 43-year-old husband, called 911 on April 22 after he threatened to leave and started to load his gun.

She said he didn’t directly threaten her, but she felt afraid and threatened by his actions. After loading the gun, her husband went out the front door. A deputy pulled up and saw the man knocking on his neighbor’s door. The deputy ordered the man to put his hands up and the man told him he had a concealed weapons permit and patted the gun beneath his armpit. The deputy held the man at gunpoint and repeatedly ordered him to comply. The man told the deputy he would have shot him when he first pulled up if he really wanted to. Another deputy arrived and the man was placed in handcuffs. His wife said her husband has serious depression and she’s concerned that he’s allowed to have a concealed weapons permit. The deputy told her a report would be forwarded for consideration of revoking his permit. The man was arrested and booked into jail for third-degree malicious mischief and for obstruction of law enforcement. He was later released.