Port CEO to retire at the end of the year

Port of Bremerton Chief Executive Officer Ken Attebery plans to retire from his position by the end of 2008, board president Cheryl Kincer announced Thursday.

Port of Bremerton Chief Executive Officer Ken Attebery plans to retire from his position by the end of 2008, board president Cheryl Kincer announced Thursday.

“Mr. Attebery has been dedicated to the Port in more ways than one can count for over 25 years,” Kincer wrote in a release distributed Dec. 4. “His years of service are lined with the projects envisioned by the several commissions he has worked for, (and) nearly everything we look at today has Ken’s fingerprints on it.”

Attebery is stepping down after what Kincer described as a total of 38 years in public service. He began at the port in 1983, serving in roles ranging from port planner and industrial development director, to deputy executive director and ultimately CEO. Before joining the port, Attebery served as planning director for the City of Bremerton in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Commissioner Larry Stokes, who was serving on the board in 1983, said, “Ken has been a big part of the Port of Bremerton for the past 25 years; he will be missed.”

As to his future plans, Attebery reportedly said he is looking forward to spending more time with a “growing extended family and seeing what opportunities the private sector will offer,” including some “consulting opportunities.”

Commissioner Bill Mahan said he has known Attebery since he moved to Kitsap County, and described him as “(setting) a high bar for integrity and wise use of port funds … (and) as providing leadership in projects such as the new Bremerton Marina and has a reputation for staying within budget on the port’s projects.”

Mahan said the port is “asking (Attebery) to continue to work with us under a professional services contract during the transition period.”
