Port commissioners to begin 2014 budget work

In addition to the budget discussions, Patty Graf-Hoke, executive director of Visit Kitsap Peninsula, will give a presentation to the board.

Commissioners of the Port of Bremerton will begin discussions of the port’s 2014 budget on Tuesday when they take a look at capital projects.

That discussion will be during a work study session as part of their regular board meeting.

Commissioners meet Tues., Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in the Bill Mahan Conference Room, at the Port Administrative Offices, 8850 SW Highway 3, Bremerton.

In addition to the budget discussions, Patty Graf-Hoke, executive director of Visit Kitsap Peninsula, will give a presentation to the board.

The board is also expected to accept a grant of $500,000 from the Federal Aviation Administration for the 2014 taxiway and apron improvements project.

The project will re-align taxiway Foxtrot to meet current FAA design and safety standards, and will rehabilitate and repave taxiways A, B, C, D, and G.


