Poulsbo projects moving along as new year begins

A couple of city of Poulsbo projects are moving right along as the new year begins.

The equipment for the Raab Park Play-for-All project was installed in late November, earlier than anticipated for the Americans with Disabilities Act-accessible playground, a city newsletter states. Several new pieces of equipment and sensory stations have been added, which are designed to accommodate physical disabilities and provide a sensory-rich experience. New features include a wheelchair-friendly merry-go-round, wheelchair-accessible swing, inclusive teeter-totter and swing sets, among other additions. Donor plaques were also installed in the plaza at the playground.

At Rotary Morrow Community Park, located at the corner of Noll Road Mesford Street, playground equipment was also installed in late November with landscaping and irrigation set to be completed soon. New trails and a picnic area will complete the park.

Also, utility work has been completed for the Nordic Cottages affordable housing development, located on the “triangle property” at 609 NE Lincoln Road. Foundations were poured after Thanksgiving. The project will provide eight affordable apartments in a partnership between the city and Housing Kitsap.