Prosecuting Attorney Hauge leads by 214 votes in bid for reelection | 2014 Election

As of 8:15 p.m., Hauge, a Democrat, had 26,460 votes to 26,246 for attorney Tina Robinson, Republican, according to results posted by the Kitsap County Auditor Elections Division.

Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge had a 214-vote lead in his reelection bid on Nov. 4.

As of 8:15 p.m., Hauge, a Democrat, had 26,460 votes to 26,246 for attorney Tina Robinson, Republican, according to results posted by the Kitsap County Auditor Elections Division.

Staff members from the Bremerton Patriot/Central Kitsap Reporter were at the Democratic and Republican party election-night events as the polls closed and will post a story shortly.
