PSE energy education series open to the public

Kitsap County residents looking to learn more about topics ranging from easy energy-efficient ways to save on their utility bills to new technologies and trends in renewable energy can learn from local utility experts at a series of lectures to be held at Olympic College in Bremerton.

Next free lecture scheduled for Oct. 13 at OC.

Kitsap County residents looking to learn more about topics ranging from easy energy-efficient ways to save on their utility bills to new technologies and trends in renewable energy can learn from local utility experts at a series of lectures to be held at Olympic College in Bremerton.

Puget Sound Energy and OC’s Continuing Education Department are collaborating on a four-part educational series about energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The first of three free lectures was held Tuesday, but two other lectures will be held this month:

• Tuesday, Oct. 13: Green Power and Renewable Resources: Energy resources used in our region and their environmental impact; 6-8 p.m.

• Tuesday, Oct. 27: Conservation and Energy Efficiency: Behavior change that helps manage energy use, lower utility bills and carbon footprint; 6-8 p.m.

A field trip to PSE’s Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility near Ellensburg is scheduled for 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17. Attendees will meet at OC’s main student parking lot by 8:30 a.m to board the bus.

A minimum of 20 attendees are needed for the field trip.

The trip costs $45 per person, which includes the tour, lunch and transportation.

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Those interested in attending do not need to formally register, but should RSVP to the college by calling (360) 475-7786 or e-mailing

Field trip attendees must RVSP by Oct. 13.

For lecture locations, visit
