Read earns Eagle Scout rank

William Paul Read was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on June 28. His Eagle Court of Honor took place on Sept. 28 at First Lutheran Church in Poulsbo.

POULSBO — William Paul Read was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on June 28. His Eagle Court of Honor took place on Sept. 28 at First Lutheran Church in Poulsbo.

William has been a member of First Lutheran’s Boy Scout Troop 1571 since 2007. His Scouting career has given him many exciting learning and life experiences and shown him the importance and value of giving back to the community.

William chose an Outdoor Classroom Restoration project at Poulsbo Elementary School, which he attended several years ago. The project was to restore an old, steep overgrown trail and refurbish picnic tables that are located at the end of the trail in the woods. William liked the idea of giving back to the elementary school that he attended, and that the trail could be used once again by all the other children attending the school now and in the future.

The trail was once used as an outdoor classroom until it became overgrown and the tables rundown. William designed, planned and oversaw the construction of new stairs, railings and graveled trail, and the repairing, cleaning and painting of the old picnic tables.

Many parent volunteers and scouts helped make this a project a sucess. The project was completed over a three-day weekend when the school was closed.

William thanks all the volunteers who participated in the project and Poulsbo Elementary for allowing him to make this project a reality.

