Setting new goals and finishing old ones

During the holidays leading up to the New Year, I tend to try to make some decisions about how my life will be in the future. Now, don’t get me wrong; these plans are not set in stone and I almost never get to “put them into action,” but nonetheless, every year I make those plans.

During the holidays leading up to the New Year, I tend to try to make some decisions about how my life will be in the future.

Now, don’t get me wrong; these plans are not set in stone and I almost never get to “put them into action,” but nonetheless, every year I make those plans.

A couple of years ago, I planned to lose some weight and I did. Sixty pounds later, I was down to what I felt was an acceptable weight. And I have kept it off.

A few years before that, I vowed to be more patient. That hasn’t really panned out so well, but I’m still working on it.

Now, I’m faced with what to plan for this year.

Patience is still on the list and so is more traveling, but I think this year I’ll really, really try to get another book published.

I’m working on a mystery set on an island by Seattle. It is pretty well plotted out and I’ve started writing, so how hard can it be?

When “Just a Visit” is published (this year I hope), I’ll be sure to let you all know (like you could keep me from shouting it from every housetop).

The life of a writer of fiction is sort of “keep writing” and “hurry up and finish” and then the waiting for someone to accept those query letters you send out. It’s a waiting game that requires patience.

See why I need more of it?

However, since this is the year of “for sure getting more patience” it should all work out, right? Last year was a wonderful one for me.

The Hansville Writing Group published an anthology, “Stories from the Hansville Writing Group 2015,” and you can get it on Amazon.

I’ve also taught writing classes all over the place: Wenatchee, Edmonds, Gig Harbor, Seattle, Portland (OK, this is only somewhat local, but to me it is all over the place), and a few of my students have published books, and a couple more will be published this year. How’s that for a good year?

Now, since I’ve had such a good year and I’m expecting another one this year, I want to send my readers all the good wishes that will make this year good for you.

May you have the success that your hard work deserves, may you have the joy of a wonderful friendship, may you see happiness in your daily life, and may you stay healthy.

Happy 2016 everyone!

— Donna Lee Anderson writes Hansville Happenings for the Kingston Community News. Contact her at

