SK celebrates shipyard interns in signing ceremony

The fanfare of signing days has traditionally centered around the stars of high school athletics putting pen to paper to play college sports.

But what about graduates who join the workforce?

It’s that gap in recognition that South Kitsap High School has sought to fill the past few years. On May 17, the spotlight fell upon five graduating seniors who were celebrating their commitments to the internship program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.

Logan Bowman, Ethan Ingulsrud, Jack Mecarea, Cody Nelson and Ash Trent signed contracts for internships beginning this summer in partnership with Bangor Trident Refit Facility. The five were considered after hiring managers contacted career counselors at the high school to encourage students to apply.

“Career and Technical Education coursework at South Kitsap High School set these students up for success,” an SKSD release says.

The students will transition to full-time employment pending successful completion of the internships. Along with opportunities to advance to $40 per hour wages within three years, the students also learned they would receive a $2,000 signing bonus.

Their jobs are: Bowman in CNC programming, Ingulsrud as a ship fitter, Mecarea and Nelson as marine machinery mechanics and Trent in the air and refrigeration shop.