State Ferries to unveil new Kingston summer schedule

KINGSTON — Washington State Ferries planners will unveil a revised summer schedule for the Kingston to Edmonds route at a meeting in Kingston on Tuesday.

Recommended changes to the Kingston and Edmonds terminals will also be discussed, Ferries Senior Planner Ray Deardorf said.

Assistant Secretary for Ferries David Moseley and his staff will begin the meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Kingston Community Center on State Route 104.

Ferries planners have been studying how to keep boats from running late on the route, which often has long wait times, especially in the summer.

One proposed solution is to eliminate a few sailings from the summer schedule to allow boats more turnaround time. State Ferries vetted a new schedule at public meetings earlier this year and will present a revised schedule at Tuesday’s meeting.

Ferries staff will also discuss future fare increases and a possible change in the fare structure to allow discounts for smaller vehicles.
