Taggers break into Kingston Community Center

The Kingston Community Center was broken into last week by unknown suspects who left nothing behind except muddy tracks, a small women's top, and gang-related tags.

The Kingston Community Center was broken into last week by unknown suspects who left nothing behind except muddy tracks, a small women’s top, and gang-related tags.

Deputies with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office were notified on Friday, Oct. 4 that someone, or multiple people, had broken into the Kingston Community Center through the building’s basement door. The door showed no signs that it was forced open. The sheriff’s report on the incident, however, states that the basement door did not fully close, leaving approximately 1-inch of the door sticking out beyond the frame. Deputies suspect that the taggers were able to shake the door open from there.

The inside basement wall was tagged with “NKB,” which stands for “North Kitsap Bloods” according to the report.

On the outside walls of the center were more tags, including “Savant,” “Rash,” “Graf 360” and a cartoon that resembled “Homer Simpson crossed with a pickle.”

The sheriff’s report noted that the tags are similar to those found at the Kingston Skate Park on West Kingston Road.
