Treeways project as green as it gets

We’re going to see if we can get through this one without the use of a bunch of corny puns or subpar wordsmithing. It won’t be easy, mind you, as this subject simply lends itself to them.

We’re going to see if we can get through this one without the use of a bunch of corny puns or subpar wordsmithing. It won’t be easy, mind you, as this subject simply lends itself to them.

First and forest-most, to say that Jim Trainer and Kitsap Trees were helping the Evergreen State live up to its name would be a tree-mendous understatement. The program has been branching out ever since its inception and most recently added 455 Douglas firs and Western hemlocks along State Route Tree near Little Norway.

Certainly this effort has planted a new seed of environmentalism that residents and visitors will see grow and flourish for many years to come. We’d like to thank those who’ve dug deep and ensured that the initial roots of this program grew strong and healthy. We also must keep in mind that Kitsap Trees could have decided to leaf it all alone and simply put what has been a grand idea in the trunk. Thankfully, volunteers and organizers didn’t and the results have been absolutely tree-rific.

The project shows what happens when grassroots organizations refuse to sap under pressure and instead show their de-tree-mination by bursting forth through the soil of everyday life and reaching for the sun.


Did we forget one?
