Gold Mountain Golf Course will be the site for United Way’s First Annual Golf Classic on Sept. 13, United Way of Kitsap County Executive Director David Foote announced this week.
“The United Way Golf Classic proceeds each year will go to help any organization in our community that is doing outstanding work to help people needing assistance or to help an organization in the development of programing that helps individuals and families be self-sufficient,” said Foote.
This year the tournament is being held a Gold Mountain on the Olympic course and all of the proceeds will go to support the Kitsap Rescue Mission (KRM) in their efforts to build a shelter.
Foote said the mission exists to assist the homeless and poor of Kitsap County.
KRM has been providing food since its inception in 2009. In 2011 they took on a bigger role to meet the basic needs of shelter and safety.
“It’s their dedication to help individuals through their Fresh Start Program and their determination to establish a homeless shelter that helped us choose KRM for this first year’s tournament grant,” Foote said.
United Way Classic Tournament Team foursomes and sponsorship opportunities are still available. Registration fees for golfers are $125 and includes golf, cart, range, tee prizes lunch and dinner with a 1 p.m. shotgun start scramble format.
For more information call Foote at 360-377-8505, or visit and download the golf registration.