Vets programs set for Monday, Tuesday

t Local schools, VFW post to honor those who served

t Local schools, VFW post to honor those who served

Tuesday is officially Veterans Day, but then some of the South Kitsap elementary schools planning to honor local veterans will have already held their assemblies.

“Most of them are on Monday around 2 p.m.,” said John Weatherill, commander of Port Orchard’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2669.

Weatherill said the post will have representatives at each school that is honoring them, and each group will include as many different branches of the military as possible.

“I served in the Army, so I will have an Army flag,” he said, explaining that he will also be joined by a woman who is a veteran of the Air Force.

Since the assemblies are meant to honor the veterans, Weatherill said the men and women visiting will not be giving a program, but will be available to answer questions.

“We usually have students come up afterward, and the veterans can share stories,” he said.

On Veterans Day proper, Tuesday, Weatherill said the post will be gathering in Manchester next to the library for its annual memorial program, which starts at 11 a.m.

“This is the first year that we will only have one in Manchester,” he said, explaining that usually the post hosts another memorial on Bay Street.

“This will just be a little easier. Our rifle team is getting a bit older, a bit more rickety.”

The team will have eight total including the captain, he said.

As for the schools, East Port Orchard’s assembly is scheduled for Monday, along with South Colby’s — both at 2:15 p.m. South Colby is also requesting local veterans (or their families) send in digital photos of themselves.

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