Volunteers needed March 7 at Barker Creek

Volunteers have been involved during the past decade to restore the Barker Creek watershed in Silverdale and its salmon spawning populations. Last fall, an old culvert that blocked fish passage and tidal exchange was replaced with a new culvert, opening new spawning habitat for Coho, Chum and Chinook salmon and Steelhead and Cutthroat trout.

Volunteers have been involved during the past decade to restore the Barker Creek watershed in Silverdale and its salmon spawning populations. Last fall, an old culvert that blocked fish passage and tidal exchange was replaced with a new culvert, opening new spawning habitat for Coho, Chum and Chinook salmon and Steelhead and Cutthroat trout.

On Saturday, March 7, People For Puget Sound and partners at the Mid-Puget Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group will celebrate the completion of the estuary restoration project on Barker Creek.

The work party and celebration begins at 9:30 a.m. with a beach walk led by People For Puget Sound Science Director Doug Myers. Planting, rain or shine, will continue until 2 p.m. at a work site on NW Barker Creek Road.

For directions to the site, visit http://pugetsound.org/connect/events/030709barker/ or call Jamie Wine at (206) 382-7007.