Water pipe flushing could stir up dirt, sediment

Port Orchard water pipe dirt sediment November 15 19 hydrant fire drinking flush watter Cindy Fischer public works clerk Cindy Fisher

Public Works Crews from the City of Port Orchard plan to flush all of the city’s fire hydrants between Nov. 15 and 19.

This will “release sediment and make sure that the hydrants are functioning properly,” a process which could “stir up any naturally occurring sediment in the water mains,” according to a press release from the city.

Customers could see naturally occurring dirt and corrosion from the pipe in their water during the process.

“It’s nothing that would necessarily make you ill, but it’s not very pleasant,” said Cindy Fischer, a public works clerk.

Those who see sediment in their water should turn on the water in their bathtub, an outside water tap or another non-drinking source until the water looks clean again, according to public works.

The process should take several minutes, and the City Treasurer’s office will give a water credit reimbursement to customers who asks for one.
