WSP to increase patrols July 4th weekend

Washington State Patrol is preparing for the upcoming holiday weekend by placing additional troopers along roads to target drivers who choose to speed and drive impaired, according to a WSP news release.

Motorists should expect heavier traffic volumes throughout the area. There will be three additional troopers on Kitsap County roadways over the holiday weekend.

“Choosing to drink and drive could easily turn a holiday that is meant to be enjoyed into a tragedy,” WSP Captain Steve Sutton stated in a news release. “Have fun with family and friends, but please be responsible and make the right decisions.”

WSP gives motorists the following suggestions:

• Be aware of motorcycles. Motorcycles are vehicle will all the privileges of other vehicles on the roadways. Give motorcyclists a full lane of travel.

• Do not drink and drive. Call a friend, taxi or tow truck to get home.

• Think and plan ahead. Allow enough time to get to a destination and do not speed to get there.

• Slow down, especially if the driving conditions warrant it and wear a seatbelt.

• If a motorist suspects someone might be under the influence or is driving dangerously, call 911.
