Just in case there were any lingering doubts in your mind about her fiscal responsibility, Gov. Christine Gregoire wants you to understand how firmly she disagrees with
Attorney General Rob McKenna’s decision to add Washington to a list of states that at last count numbered 13 filing suit to halt the federal healthcare “reforms” approved last weekend by Congress.
“I’m disappointed that the Attorney General would participate in a lawsuit to repeal a law that would help 1.5 million Washingtonians get access to affordable, quality healthcare,” she announced on Monday. “I completely disagree with the Attorney General’s decision and he does not represent me.”
Now there’s a stunner. Having watched the governor author her own job-killing, deficit-ballooning obscenity of a budget here in Washington, only an incurable optimist could have expected Gregoire to squawk about a plan that promises to impose tens of millions of dollars worth of unfunded mandates on the state, to say nothing of higher insurance premiums, less choice and degraded care on its residents.
But if Gregoire doesn’t see a problem with that, it’s nice to know McKenna does — particularly since the fundamental tenet of Obamacare is manifestly unconstitutional in the estimation of the chief legal officers of more than a dozen U.S. states.
Just to clear up Gregoire’s obfuscation, the healthcare measure doesn’t merely “help” people get health coverage; it requires them to purchase a federally approved policy or risk being fined or jailed.
Similar protection rackets are routine for the Mob, but unprecedented for the federal government, and McKenna is doing the people’s business by challenging it.
If Gregoire is content — proud, in fact — to sit idly by while her state and others are bankrupted by a potentially unconstitutional monstrosity, shame on her.
Fortunately, others take their responsibilities more seriously.