Balancing the good and the not-so-good

I think all of us can agree that life is crazy at times. There are extraordinary things happening all around us, some good some not-so-good. The good things make us smile and laugh and help us discover that life can be fulfilling.

Keeping the faith

Edd Denton

Pastor Silverdale United Methodist Church

think all of us can agree that life is crazy at times.

There are extraordinary things happening all around us, some good some not-so-good. The good things make us smile and laugh and help us discover that life can be fulfilling.

The not-so-good things create stress, anger, frustration, and make life uncertain. Though we cannot avoid the “not-so-good” in life there are ways that make the uncertain life less difficult.

For me it’s called faith, Faith in Christ. I have discovered that faith reduces, and many times eliminates, my stress, anger, and frustration. Faith doesn’t change the situation, but it changes me in ways which allow me to deal with whatever life throws my way.

Faith in Christ allows me to walk through the mine fields of life fully confident, not arrogantly but with a confidence that can only come from God.

I still have to walk through the mine field. I still have to look for where the mines might be hidden. But through faith I arrive on the other side, not stressed, angry, or frustrated but excited to be on the other side safely, ready to take on life.

If I could give one thing to everyone in today’s society it would be the gift of Faith in Christ. It changed my “crazy” life and it can change yours too.

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