Editorial: Here’s your chance: Apply for position on CK school board

Local school board members regularly deal with education-related decisions made on the federal and state levels. Sometimes, balancing the local school district budget with federal and state mandates can be like putting a square peg in a round hole.

Like they say, it rolls downhill.

The “it” in this case is education policy. Local school board members regularly deal with education-related decisions made on the federal and state levels. Sometimes, balancing the local school district budget with federal and state mandates can be like putting a square peg in a round hole.

School board members also get the credit — or blame — for academic performance, enrollment gains or declines, how well-equipped classrooms and teachers are, and for how the budget balances at the end of the year.

Serving on a school board is not always easy. But it is gratifying. Just ask Christopher Stokke, who did the work for almost 16 years. During his time in office, he visited schools, helped guide the district through budget reductions, and helped establish free, full-day kindergarten.

“Board service has not always been easy, but it’s gratifying to participate on a board that works as a leadership team to ensure continuous improvement,” he said when he resigned Feb. 26 because of health reasons.

We thank him for his service. He’s created an opportunity for another resident to step forward and make a difference. The school board will appoint a successor to complete the term, which will end after results of the Nov. 3 election is certified.

School board service is grassroots community service at its finest. We encourage residents to apply.

A candidate must be a registered voter and a resident of Director Area 3. Applications and geographical descriptions of director areas are available at www.cksd.wednet.edu or by calling 360-662-1615. Application deadline is 4 p.m. on March 18.

The school board will screen the candidates and conduct interviews with up to five individuals. Depending on the number of applicants, the board will appoint the new member during the school board meeting on March 25 or on April 1.

(If you want to do some homework, read about the responsibilities of school board directors at www.wssda.org; select “For School Board Candidates” under the “Resources” link.)