Everything Bremerton: Be aware, become known

First off, I feel just as safe living in Bremerton now as I did a year ago, before the murders.

First off, I feel just as safe living in Bremerton now as I did a year ago, before the murders.

I feel as safe as I did five years ago or even 13 years ago when many of our friends and family disparaged our choice to buy a home in a rundown working-class neighborhood of Union Hill in West Bremerton with the intention of living and raising our family here.

We’ve never regretted that decision. Not even for a second.

Communities often have crime issues that come and go. At times, the crime may have to do with the environment a community provides but then there are times when crime comes from a random set of circumstances.

In light of recent and tragic events around two murders, I see the community of Bremerton coming together. A heightened sense of communication and neighborhood awareness is underway. Citizens are working together to create or expand block watch groups. There are already a number of districts and neighborhood meetings underway for the coming weeks as residents are seeking information on how to better protect themselves and their fellow community members from the threat in the community.

A united community that stands shoulder to shoulder and works together creates an environment that becomes very unappealing for those who would do it harm.

Current budget conditions have most city departments doing more with less. This includes the Bremerton Police Department. Under these conditions, citizens become the eyes and ears in every section and corner of this community. Citizens create a unique and valuable resource pool of information and tips. Information and tips that can, and do go on to assist the local police with the solving of community crimes.

On Monday, March 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Norm Dicks Government Center, a Neighborhood Summit will be held. A coming together of the many individual neighborhood groups and organizing, involved residents who have been working steadily to improve Bremerton through their own little section of the world one piece at a time.

Included in the summit will be an update on the current ongoing police investigations. Safety tips and guidelines will be presented by a crime prevention officer.

Take this opportunity to get to know your neighbors and your neighborhood association if you have one. Stay informed, watch, listen and report.

Be safe. Be aware. Become known.
